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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Registry Keys for Tweaking Windows Update

The best soultion of the day.

Elevation of Privileges
One of the problems with receiving updates from a WSUS server is that users are not allowed to approve or disapprove of updates unless they are a member of the local administrators group. However, you can use the registry to give users an elevation of privileges that will allow them to approve or disapprove of updates regardless of whether or not they are a local administrator. On the flip side, you could also deny end users the ability to approve updates, reserving that right for Admins.

The registry key that controls this behavior is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\ElevateNonAdmins

The ElevateNonAdmins key has two possible values. The default value of 1 allows non administrators to approve or deny updates. If you change this value to 0, then only administrators will be allowed to approve or deny updates.

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