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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fix Windows Media Player Problems

The best soultion of the day.

Corrupted and missing DLLs files, incorrect registry entries, and outdated files are some of the causes of Windows Media Player errors. Covered here are a few steps that you can take to fix common problems.

C00D11CD: Unknown Error

C00D11CD errors occur when an operating system component or some other program encounters an error and does not communicate it to Windows Media Player. Due to its generic nature and multiple reasons for occurrence, there is no specific solution to this problem.

If you encounter the error when trying to play an AVI or MPEG 2 file, then most likely, you do not have the correct codec version installed on your system. To fix a Windows Media Player problem related to codec, search for the required codec on the Internet, download it, and update it on your system to play the required file.
Windows Media Player uses Digital Rights Management (DRM) to authorize copying files to a CD or to download them from an online music store. If you do not have DRM authority to copy a particular song, you will not be able to play it and the error will pop up.
Windows Media Player uses the wmadmoe.dll file to encode files. If something goes wrong with this file, you may get the c00d11cd error when you try to copy songs from a CD to your hard disk. To fix a Windows Media Player problem in this situation, you must register the DLL file by running the command ‘regsvr32 wmadmoe.dll’.

80040155: Interface Not Registered

If this error occurs when you try to burn songs into a CD, then the most probable cause is that the required player files are no longer registered on your system. To fix this error, try to reinstall your Windows Media Player or download and install a newer version of the player, if available on the internet.

800C2EE2: Action timed out

This error occurs when your Windows Media Player is unable to connect to a server due to problem in the network, and therefore cannot play protected audio/video files that you download from an online music store. Incorrect Internet Explorer security settings might be the cause of this problem. To fix this, open Internet Explorer and select Tools-Internet Options-LAN Settings. Next, clear the Automatically detect settings check box.

C00D0FAA: Cannot rip the files

The error usually occurs when you try to rip CDs to MP3 format. Existence of entries from an earlier player version in the registry might be the reason behind this problem. One way to fix this problem is by adjusting the audio quality. However, if you want to maintain the audio quality, then to fix this Windows Media Player problem, open the Registry Editor by running the Regedit command and navigate to the subkey given below.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Sett ings\MP3Encoding

Here, open ‘LowrateSample’ and delete the value displayed in the Value Data box. Select OK and exit Registry Editor.

Many times errors also occur when there are corrupt files on the system or there are invalid DLL entries and other related incorrect entries in the system registry. For this, you must try to download reliable registry cleaner software from the Internet and scan your registry for invalid entries. Using registry cleaner software, you can easily and efficiently fix Windows registry problems, and make your PC free from irritating errors.

Errors can occur in Windows Media Player due to outdated files, missing or corrupt DLL files and incorrect registry entries. Most of the time, you can fix Windows Media Player problems by updating missing files or by upgrading the player to a later version. Additionally, to prevent registry-related problems, you can use a registry cleaner software to regularly scan the registry and eliminate invalid DLL entries and corrupt values from it.

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